Part One: Terra's Secret
Behind the guise of a benevolent magical organization known as Magick Caste, lies the truth of the Uiree. The defiance of this species is significant due to their involvement with the exposure of magic at large. They change the world through calamitous events of various proportions.
Tristan Graydin is one such Uiree. His history and progression is not the first to be monitored and categorized by Magick Caste. However, his manifesto is the first to be released to the public.
Terra’s Secret is the introduction of Tristan and his awakening. It spans the first year of his magical journey. He documents all aspects of his life through journaling, completely unaware of the organization that would soon become a major fixture in his life. He’s naive, but driven to learn as much as he can, as soon as he can.
Part Two: Elemental
Elemental picks up right after the events of Terra's Secret. Tristan and his cousins, well, all but one of his cousins are indoctrinated into the folds of Magick Caste. His lack of skill and overall power becomes a concern. Receiving one’s elemental license can be dangerous. He seeks guidance from trainers, alchemists, and even a shaman to unlock his witchy potential. Is it enough to impress the magical organization or even his sister, Terra?