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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

A colorful week.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-six: 3/4/2024

I don’t really like teenagers. I hope no one is surprised by this statement. It’s my truth. I wish I liked them since I work in a building full of them. However, they’ve proven that they don’t deserve my admiration. I lump them all together because they can do better in my opinion. Maybe my expectations are just too high.

Something that I wasn’t expecting to hear today is that a beloved security guard had passed away sometime last week and his body was discovered yesterday. Keith was my absolute favorite. He had no nonsense for the antics of teenagers. He was always the first one to kick the students out of the building so that us custodians could work properly. He was always willing to work late and was the evening security guard for the school throughout most of our events. His presence was unmeasurable.

Well, he’d been out for some time now. The poor man was involved in a very nasty car accident. He had to have multiple surgeries and then had to go through physical rehabilitation. He was back home, but unfortunately lived alone and I don’t believe he had any immediate family in town to assist him. I don’t know the details, but I know I’ll miss Keith. He was a good man.

I don’t intend to be so gloomy, and I don’t believe the pictures I’ve posted reflect how much my heart was broken today. I completed all of my tasks today, but it was a sad day and I’m curious if any of the teenagers in this school really appreciated him. He was a staunch character and all I hope is that his spirit is at peace now.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-seven: 3/5/2024

I’m pooped today. Not like I worked super hard, nor did I lack sleep. However, I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally tired. I made it in however and I’m sticking with my rainbow theme this week. I wore my rainbow shirt yesterday and today’s feature color is orange. I can’t do the whole rainbow because I don’t own any yellow and it’s impossible to fit in all of the colors in a five day work week. However, I’ll do my best.

Something new are some posters. I appreciate the sentiment and the effort, but I’m not entirely sure that it will be as effective as they would like it. I say this all of the time I’m not these kids' maids. I’m a custodian. My job is to maintain the cleanliness of the building. Not pick up after children with little to no respect for their surroundings. Again, I’m grateful to have support from those that took the time to make these posters. I’ve just learned that these kids don’t read them.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-eight: 3/6/2024

I go back to my sentiment that I don’t like teenagers! Mostly the females right now. I’m disgusted and annoyed with how I find the women’s bathroom each day. Not all of the bathrooms, but this one specifically gets covered in graffiti and is always the messiest of the bathrooms that I have to clean. I ALREADY HAVE TO CLEAN THEM! I feel like that is enough responsibility on my back. I don’t see the point in leaving the facility in such a state.

I tried my best to scrub away the mess that was put on the stall walls, but I need more time than I allotted for myself this evening. I feel like this will be my project for the rest of the week. Not something that I look forward to. I’m trying to make the best of a situation that I found myself in, but I didn’t sign up for this when I took the job at The Denver School of the Arts. I had a higher expectation for those that attend this school. I’ve been so thoroughly disappointed. Shame on them. They can do better and they choose not to be.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-nine: 3/7/2024

I’m so glad it was a gloomy day. I really didn’t want to come to work, however, they won’t pay me if I don’t show up. Thus, I biked to work in the frigid forty degree temperatures. The effort to peddle was extensive. Since it was such a beautiful gray day I was able to travel the short distance to the job that I don’t like.

The biggest reason is because I really don’t like teenagers. I was thinking about this on my way to work. I was tortured by teenagers once. I refuse to allow them to penetrate my barrier. That’s what The Teal Fairy is. They are my protector. My armor from the angst of teenagers. I will never allow them to make me feel the way I felt in the past. I used to cower to the abuse that was pummeled upon me. There were kind people to me during this time, but they were adults. Ever since I came out when I was thirteen, I was bullied by that time until I graduated high school at eighteen. I had to build a thick skin, but that skin has transformed into something teal.

This Teal Fairy might have been decked in the brightest blue that I own, but I was feeling green with envy. I’m so enthralled by the talent in this school and I felt a sense of jealousy that I had to work while others were gifted by a visual arts presentation and a piano concert. I stopped vacuuming for a moment so I could hear the dueling pianists at play. While the performances commence I feel like a strange bystander begging to partake in the arts.

Day Three Hundred & Forty: 3/8/2024

I stand by my statement I made at the beginning of this week. I don’t like teenagers. I’ve become fond of a few that show kindness and sincerity. Otherwise, I like it when the youths are out of the building. I get tired of having to tell them to get out of my area. In this single evening I had to scold multiple groups. One went into a classroom that hadn’t locked properly. The rest were meandering around the building, which they weren’t supposed to be doing. I’m not the authority for disciplinary actions, but I want kids out of my area when I’m trying to clean it.

Though, I will say that the classrooms looked the best today than they’ve looked this entire semester. One room in particular has been frustrating to say the least. The teacher had a substitute and I believe that they wanted to clean. Because the room was immaculate. I still needed to vacuum but this was the best it’s looked since we deep cleaned it over the summer.

I at least felt pretty all week. I’ve really enjoyed these themed weeks. I’m trying to figure out what I should do next week. It’s a thrill for me to wear as many of my clothes that I can. Though I don’t have the funds to live a life of frivolity, I want to feel as glamorous as I can be.

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