Day Two Hundred & Sixty-seven: 11/6/2023
Well, it was the start of another Monday at the Denver School of the Arts. Filled with parents as it is open house tonight and Wednesday of this week. I’m actually fine with these types of events. I get extra downtime while the hallways are being overrun by those in attendance. Then, I rush to finish the rest of my work. It’s sort of a challenge to get all that I need to get done with the limited time. What am I to do? I can’t push my way through the crowds so that I can vacuum. Nah, that’s not the solution.
The only reason I have any concern about the open house is that I’m also in charge tonight. My crew lead, Roman, called out and since I’m next in seniority, then, I’m in charge. My boss, Fil, even stated outright that I’m the boss. Gross! Why would anyone put me in charge? I don’t think it's the most logical decision, but I suppose there isn’t another choice.
Sad to say it that way, but it’s true. I’m not meant to be the boss, but if it comes down to it I’m responsible. I’m responsible for turning off the lights, checking all the doors, and making sure that all have exited the building before I set the alarm. I’d prefer not to be the boss, but I believe that I can do it. I’ve shut down the building down many times before, but that was when school was out of session.
At least I’m a beautiful boss. I wore my hair curly since I needed to make up for the bad hair days last week. I also chose to wear a vibrant purple. Have to throw in a different shade from time to time to keep the aesthetic that is The Teal Fairy authentic.
Day Two Hundred & Sixty-eight: 11/7/2023
Back at it, for another wonderful day of custodial subjugation. I joke, but seriously despise so many aspects of the profession. The smell of the trash is one of them. I don’t think I’d ever be able to handle the stenches that garbage collectors have to experience. I can barely tolerate it. The smells that permeate from the trash barrels are so intense. I grew up dealing with animal feces and I can handle that far more than I can handle foul smelling trash. The scent of decay lingers on these items and collects itself in my gut.
Other than the usual scents and smells that fill my nostrils throughout the night, it was pretty usual for the course. We finished cleaning the cafeteria, and I can say that it wasn’t completely destroyed. Unlike yesterday, but that’s okay. Next I waited for the student to exit so I could sweep the hallways. Boring I know, but I didn’t have to rush to finish these tasks.
After our lunch break, the event began. Middle school vocals were having a performance tonight. So there were a whole bunch of preteens running around the halls before they were to recite their tunes along with accompanying music. Surprisingly, my evening was not impacted. Unlike other performances, this one ended before 9pm.
Wow! I can’t believe how boring all of this sounds, but isn’t that okay? Are we not allowed to have boring days that bring joy because nothing eventful happened? I say this fully aware that I feel a longing that I don’t get from my job. The only way that I feel somewhat alive is when I transform into The Teal Fairy. Only when there is vibrant eyeshadow and additional lashes do I feel less boring. I want my work to be uneventful, but I certainly NEED to be memorable.
Day Two Hundred & Sixty-nine: 11/8/2023
The children have been turned into animals. Only some sort of caged creature would leave such a mess after they’re done masticating. The cafeteria was a total pigsty only befitting those that don’t know how to hold themselves to a level of decorum that this school deserves. It wasn’t me that vocalized this sentiment. It actually came from the Dean of Student Affairs. She was extremely disappointed with how the cafeteria was left. “We are not your MOMMAS!” She exclaimed as the students headed to their class post-lunch. I couldn’t disagree with her feelings. They were certainly justified.
I personally find it ridiculous that they can’t seem to pick up after themselves. I suppose some of that comes with the territory of being an adolescent, but there is a limit to how much leeway I’m willing to give to the overly privileged youth. I was privileged growing up, to an extent…so I get it. Why pick up when someone is right behind you that is going to clean up after you?
I don’t really have a choice. They won’t pay me if I didn’t put in at least the bare minimum. Thus I was required to sweep up their discarded trash, vacuum the dead grass and dirt from the outside elements, and of course the powerwashing of the toilets. It’s a daily conundrum of cleaning and tidying for those that aren’t always appreciative of my time and effort.
Day Two Hundred & Seventy: 11/9/2023
It’s another day. I actually got to spend it with a friend. She’s an artist that only substitutes from time to time. On this fine Thursday she was covering for her husband who teaches high school math and calculus. I haven’t seen her in months since she had a bike accident at the beginning of the school year. Poor thing had a broken arm. She’s recovered miraculously. Well, she had some free time at the end of the school day for us to catch up and chat. I told her all about my vacation and we were able to commiserate on our disdain for ungrateful children.
There’s another performance tonight! Shocker! It feels like there are more performances than there are actual school days. Which is par for the course, just making a note of yet another performance that I won’t get to watch. I’m not bitter about my lack of exposure to the arts, I just thought I’d have more of an opportunity to watch them while I was working. Sadly, I have too much to do while they are expressing themselves on stage. I have to get the vacuuming done and the bathrooms started whilst they perform.
Now, I wish I could watch them, but the reality is that I’m usually watching and waiting for them to leave. We even have to turn off the lights to get the congregation to leave the building in a timely manner. I get it! For some of these students, this is their last performance of their academic career. They deserve to embrace the moment and hold onto the last few minutes they have of the experience. Except, we only have so much time to close down the building. Thus, we have to use not so nice tactics to enforce their mass exit.
Day Two Hundred & Seventy-one: 11/10/2023
On my way to work I had another fall moment. There wasn’t much of a breeze from my height, but there must have been some sort of wind at the height of the treetops. Leaves from way up high sprinkled down in a beautiful cascade of a yellowish brown hue. The sky was a vibrant blue and the sun seemed to shimmer from between the trees and on the shiny sides of each leaf. It was brilliant, the autumn season gave me a fair welcome as I headed into work.
I needed that moment! I even found a very small leaf askew in my updo. Getting to work was beautified when I needed it most. Having to work a full five days is always the worst. If I could manage to only work four days or less then I’d be a very happy person. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works I suppose.
Anyway, I finished out the week without quitting so I think that’s a win! Right? It really hasn’t been that bad of a week. Well, for me anyway. My coworkers didn’t have the same experience. Tonight, my coworker had to literally clean shit off the walls. Some sixth grade boy or boys decided to rub their own feces all over the place. Now, it could’ve been some sort of accident, but what if it wasn’t!? Sometimes, I’m disturbed by adolescence. It also drudges up my own nightmare that was middle school and junior high. Ugh!