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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Every fairy has a secret garden.

Day One Hundred & Eight: 2/27/2023

I’m not sure I’ve displayed my jacket on this blog. I’ve certainly worn it throughout this process. It’s a dark teal corduroy with patches I added personally. The jacket actually came from a discount retailer. Found it in the junior boy’s section. Who knew that a 2XL in Boys will also fit the Beary Fairy. I already had half the patches, specifically for The Teal Fairy. I ironed them on at the school and sat stitching them onto the somewhat soft material for weeks. There’s a story on my back.

I fantasize that The Teal Fairy keeps their secret garden with them at all times. When needed their golden wings will unfurl like a dove about to take flight. As if the back of the jacket is a soft bed of grass, the flowers and butterflies sway to the rhythms of nature. When The Teal Fairy needs to find inner peace they will use their coat to transform any space into their secret garden. Only fellow magical eyes can spot the uniqueness of this coat.

Well, I made it to work on this beautiful Monday afternoon. I didn’t really want to come to work today, but I allowed The Teal Fairy to shine. I spent the weekend acquiring a few things for the character. Some new shirts, thrifted of course. I also bought some more makeup. Just eyeliner and mascara. Nothing too frivolous. Since I have to depend on The Teal Fairy to get me to this job each day. Craig receives the paycheck but The Teal Fairy is the one that flutters around the school. Beautifully!

Day One Hundred & Nine: 2/28/2023

Something was definitely in the air today. Antics more relating to small children than young adults. I continue to struggle with the graffiti in the seventh grade girl’s bathroom. Small defamations have brought me great frustrations. Well, today some chick spewed the black stalls with profane words, graphic content, and mostly immature antics of someone deeply unhappy. I brought the incident to the attention of an administrator. That way, it was no longer my responsibility. My only duty is to try and remove the material with as little evidence as possible. At least the scratches into the paint were very superficial. I was able to use a brand new scrubbing pad to erase what was plastered with complete disregard to the school’s property. Next, we had to clean up some sort of chipotle sauce. Someone literally threw the plastic container on the floor with such a fury that it spewed all across the hallway. Why was that necessary?

Day One Hundred & Ten: 3/1/2023

I really really really hate being the bad guy. I specifically despise being the one that has to end the fun for anyone else, but sometimes I have to be a voice of reason in a sea of chaos. The eighth grade science class had the extreme pleasure of creating and decorating the planets within our solar system. How fun, right?! I thought they’d really enjoy the process of using paper mache to make their very own planetary collection.

Well, the teacher’s ineptitude and the kid’s actions have been disappointing. We spent so much time over the summer cleaning this room. The last teacher destroyed it with hot glue and cardboard. The new year brought a new teacher and there seemed to be a new level of respect for the space. Except, this new project ruined any good graces they had.

One of the sinks had been damaged, it was spewing water all over the place. Multiple times I advised the teacher to not let them use the sink until it was fixed. They didn’t listen, or maybe they did, but the teacher couldn’t stop the students from creating a very large mess. The tile isn’t impermeable to the acts of water. Multiple tiles have come undone and will have to be replaced. They also make such a mess with paint in and around many sinks. I love that the kiddos can partake in some fun artistic activities but they’ve got to learn how to clean up after themselves. It’s ridiculous!

Day One Hundred & Eleven: 3/2/2023

You know what I hate most? Crude jokes, I’m not a fan. I’m not sure if this was a crude joke or someone just not paying attention, but it was foul! I was stocking the bathrooms when I came across it. Now, the eighth grade bathrooms have been a struggle this school year. The single toilet in the boys’ restroom has seen some damage in the past. Well, I don’t know who did this, but there was a bowel movement the size of an extra large potato. SO GROSS.

Someone took the time to expel the waste from their body, just to leave it for me to find. Now, my first thought was this on purpose? I had to scold a handful of kids throughout the day for misbehaving in my hallway. Again, I really do hate to be the killer of fun, but if stupidity on the behalf of teenagers causes me to have to work harder than I already do, then, I will call them out. It’s only fair. If they want to misbehave, then leave the school. That’s not what this institution is for. May they find enjoyment elsewhere.

Day One Hundred & Twelve: 3/3/2023

The lesson for the week is keep trying. The tiniest little effort can go a long way. I may complain about the annoying stuff, but there are positive actions being performed. You can tell that some of the good apples are taking the lead to try and keep their space clean. I can only do so much, and I’m only willing to do so much. I already have to clean the toilets, I shouldn’t have to pick up after toddlers. The students don't just learn about numbers and poems, sometimes they have to learn how to be respectful humans. It all takes effort.

I’ve also tried to make an effort for myself. I’m trying so hard to keep my head above water. Life has definitely been interesting for me. Showing up for myself is not always easy. Granted, I’m allowing The Teal Fairy to show up. The moment I put the look together I know that The Teal Fairy has my back and I’ll make it another day, which leads to another month, and soon a year or two. I keep trying to make my dreams come true. That’s the best that we can do.

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