Day One Hundred: 2/13/2023
Sometimes fairies get sad too. This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the job, but I was incredibly sad today. I was depressed because I was depressed. I continue to grieve over the losses that I experienced last year. I’m sad that I’m not over the pain.
The Teal Fairy is my alter ego that gets to be front in center while I work on my writing career. While I deal with the fact that I moved to Denver and nothing has gone the way that it was planned. When I was in college I was taught that we should have five year and ten year plans. I’ve had these plans. Every action I take has a plan or two, or maybe five alternatives.
I didn’t plan to be here. I didn’t plan to have to clean up after teenagers. All I have right now is my dreams because this life has literally punched me in the face. I’m so disappointed with myself, but I keep waking up in the morning. I keep putting the teal on my body. I keep clocking in because I have to pay my bills, but today I’m sad because I’m sad.
Day One Hundred & One: 2/14/2023
It’s Valentine’s Day. Some love it and some hate it. I’m sort of in the middle. I want to enjoy the day that pressures single people to hate themselves. I’m technically single, but I did ask a special someone to be my valentine this year. It’s been over a decade since I asked someone to be that.
It did feel strange to wear red today. I don’t need to wear teal everyday, but red is definitely not complimentary to my bluish-green attire. Even during the Christmas holiday I didn’t wear this shade. Only for the day of love. It’s a day to recognize those that you love and accept the love from others.
Now, I don’t love the trash and the mess that these little ones left for me to clean up today. It wasn’t as bad as how they behaved around Halloween. Anytime there is candy involved these hoodlums forget how the trash works. Though, I’m speaking more about the hallway. The classrooms were actually pretty tolerable.
I just don’t understand why there was a need to throw applesauce…twice. When I first got to work I had to clean the cafeteria which was a huge mess. Then, I went directly to my hallway. Big eye roll. It was a wreck and I wasn’t sure why someone had thrown an applesauce container on the ground. It wasn’t too difficult to clean up, whatever. After the student finally exited the building I went back to sweep my area and found someone had literally thrown another container, creating a larger mess. Why? Just why? I know applesauce kind of sucks, but there’s no need to throw it.
Day One Hundred & Two: 2/15/2023
It’s so cold today. So cold that I wasn’t able to walk to work today. I'm a strong fairy, but I wasn’t strong enough to walk the mile and a half to work. I made it about two blocks before I had to turn around. I thought about adding another layer, but since I was gifted twenty bucks, I ended up ordering a car.
Thank you Abdul.
I wonder if the frigid temperatures also cooled down the antics of the precocious children. There was a classroom that has literally been the bane of my existence since the semester started. Today, it was palatable. Don’t get me wrong, these areas still are a bit messy, but this room has been utterly filthy. I don’t know why. I ask that question to myself every week.
Well, when I entered I was shocked to see a room with chairs tucked in, minimal debris on the floor, and it didn’t smell of putrid teenage pits. I’m not sure I’d say it was a pleasant experience, but I’m grateful to see that these kids are learning to pick up after themselves. Even just a little bit.
The snow continues to fall from the sky and the temperatures have not fluctuated all day. My crew lead has agreed to drive me home tonight. Another moment of gratitude. Because I didn’t have the extra layer I couldn’t bare to walk in fourteen degrees. It cuts through the body, you can feel it to the bone. It’s the only time that I wish I had more fat and blubber on my legs.
One Hundred & Three: 2/16/2023
Roses are red, violets are blue, when there’s blood, only a fairy will do!
Seriously, I found a small murder scene in the single person bathroom near the library. There was a half hazard clean up of blood in the middle of the floor. There was also a footprint left behind. Not sure what could’ve happened. When there’s blood I assume there is some sort of injury. It made me wonder.
Not for long though…
My responsibility is to clean the area as if there’s been no sort of pain or injury inflicted. The blood was sprayed down with Peridox bathroom cleaner and water. As the water penetrated the crimson material it dissipated into a fine pink hue. As I continued to spray the remnants of the scene was washed away. I really hope there wasn’t a case to be solved. I removed the evidence with minimal effort.