Day Two Hundred & Ninety-seven: 1/2/2024
I’m back, presenting as The Teal Fairy. I thought about it and even though I don’t have thousands or millions of followers doesn’t mean my content isn’t important. It’s important to me to make myself look as glamorous as possible. At least then I don’t feel like some insignificant custodian working a menial job for a pay barely above minimum wage. It also helps when I don’t have to be at work until the afternoon. Plenty of time to apply the necessary ingredients to my eyes and eyelashes.
Well this fairy arrived to work today content to make it another day as a custodian for the school. I’m not saying I was thrilled, but at least I felt pretty. Isn’t that the most important thing? I think so! Others might agree. I definitely had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with a lot of coworkers.
I’m so appreciative of the community that comes along with working in a school. However, when the students and faculty are out, I feel a little bit lonely. It’s not like I don’t get along with my fellow custodial staff, but I seem to have more in common with the other teaching and support staff. It also doesn’t help that my custodial coworkers speak primarily Spanish, and my Espanol is nonexistent. That means that the three years of Spanish I took in high school was a total waste of time. I’m just not skilled with languages. English included, haha!
Day Two Hundred & Ninety-eight: 1/3/2024
The second semester of the school year has officially begun. Can’t go back now. It wasn’t too horrible for me. I’m grateful to admit it. Though, when I went to clean the bathrooms, someone decided to leave a little present in the toilet of the 8th grade girl’s bathroom. I don’t know when it occurred, but someone didn’t flush. Quite disturbing to find at the end of my shift, but I suppose these things come with the job. Unfortunately.
I’m actually glad to be back to my normal routine. I hated the early morning shifts and I didn’t really enjoy the 12:30-9pm shift I had to work yesterday. This morning I rose early and began to work on my writings until it was time to get ready for work. I’m back in Magick Caste Archive, Part Three: Covens. It’s currently at 172 pages and I had wanted to finish this book before the end of the year, but I had a different obstacle to tackle throughout November and December. Thus, now that I’m back in my normal routine, I’m going to actively dedicate myself to the completion of this book for the series.
I felt quite pretty today too. I stuck with an all over teal aesthetic. Included teal bows in my hair. They stood out effortlessly. The auburn hue that I added to my curly locks during the winter break goes quite well with my teal attire. I made my appearance and I hope that those that spotted me, appreciated my efforts. I may have to clean, but I feel most like myself when I’m as glamorous as I can be!
Day Two Hundred & Ninety-nine: 1/4/2024
What I’m about to say is not a complaint, just an observation that I wish would be explained. How does gum mysteriously exit one’s mouth? We have only been back a few days and I’ve already come across multiple dirty patches of gum on the floor. I need to assume that these students aren’t just going around spitting out the chewy substance from their pie holes without any discourse. Surely, it must be some sort of accident. As if there are those that have practically choked on their juicy fruit before someone has to perform the heimlich maneuver. Thus, through the commotion no one would’ve noticed that gum had been projected from between their lips. There must be something that must’ve caused them to leave such a disgusting object on the ground. Right?
Well, other than the random gum that I’ve found throughout my space, I’m content with the day. Majority of the messes were consistent with what you would find in a school. Pits of paper from spiral notebooks. Just fragments really, just perfect for the vacuum cleaner to absorb as if these bits of white scraps fuel the suction device that is strapped to my back. This was mixed with dirt, dead blades of grass, and other minute fragments that have been tracked in by the unobservant youths.
I’m ending my day, not necessarily content but I’m not annoyed with the manner that I found the space at the beginning of my shift. All I can do is hope and pray that these students will show respect for the space and me as a person. When I find large messes and rampages, then I feel personally attacked by their antics. Again, I’m going to hope that they continue to show the respect that this facility and those that have to clean it deserve.
Day Three Hundred: 1/5/2024
Alright! Made it to Friday. I would say that’s a win. Also, it didn’t hurt that I was technically two hours late. I needed to stay home until about 4 to receive a very important delivery. My new bike! Yes, though I love and appreciate my 1966 Firestone named Gladys. I really need something from this century. The cost to completely overhaul the restoration is equivalent to a brand new bike. I chose to go with a brand new bike and figure out something special for Gladys. Today should be the last day that I ride her to work.
Once I got to work, it was pretty much the same as usual. Though I missed out on cleaning the cafeteria. Darn! I was on time to start my usual Friday scrubbing. I tried my best tonight. I even did something I absolutely hate, not as much as working outside, but pretty equal. I hate heights and I got on a ladder this evening. One of the light fixtures in the bathroom had crud that needed to be cleaned. I felt like I was going to fall off this damn thing a few times, but I managed to clean what needed to be cleaned. Hopefully I won’t have to get on a ladder anytime soon.
Another fun surprise today is that someone left another disgusting present in the toilet. In the same bathroom, in the same stall as the day before. I don’t mean to be graphic here, but this substance was dense and wouldn’t flush without some sort of force. Luckily, I was able to feverishly flush the contents without me losing any of my stomach contents. I don’t really want to know who keeps leaving this surprise for the custodial staff, but I’m quite curious what their diet consists of. I’m hoping I won’t see this surprise anytime soon.