I’m ending this week on the one hundred & sixty-ninth day working as a custodian for the Denver School of the Arts. I’ve continued to post my Tik Toks and snap the photos for my Instagram, but I haven’t had the mental strength to deal with my blog. It isn’t that I didn’t try. Each day after work I would sit down at the computer and try to put down my thoughts. Even tried to put down some of the specifics of the day. Except, I barely got a sentence or two typed. It just wasn’t coming out of me. I know exactly why.
Yes, The Teal Fairy Fables, the book that I’ve been working on for a year is completed. It isn’t super long, but it’s done! It is a collection of short stories and I finished all of the stories and compiled them together.
While I needed to work on the blog posts I could only use the limited brain cells I have each day to work on the book. Since I completed the book, I started to research literary agents. I have a verbal agreement to work with a small publishing house, but I’m also looking into the more traditional routes. It’s all such a process.
In fact, I’ve sent out six queries this week. It takes study and determination to find an agent that is currently accepting new queries. That is also interested in the very specific genre that you've written. Because no matter how much we want, our art still falls within some sort of category.
Then, you study and study them and the agency that they represent. After much deliberation, a query letter is written. To note, each agency is slightly different on what they require in a query. That must be adhered to most specifically. Then, once they’ve been examined and reviewed as many times as you can stand it. You send them off as if they are a recent high school graduate heading to college. All you can do is trust that someone will appreciate what was created from nothing.
I’ve done all that I can do at this point. Next, is the waiting game. Most of the time, they say you won’t hear back for at least four to eight weeks. If you don’t hear from anyone within that time, then you know you’ve been rejected by everyone!
It isn’t my first time in the realm of query. I’ve done over twenty submissions with my Magick Caste Archive series. They all said no. It’s all part of the process they say. It still hurts. I’m really hoping that this baby, The Teal Fairy Fables, finds the right home.
In the meantime, here’s all of the photos that I took these last two weeks!