Day Ninety-Six: 2/6/2023
Something seemed suspicious tonight. Anyone found outside of the school past nine o’clock is up to no good. When teenagers are goofing around after school I try not to judge. I definitely try not to perceive any wrongdoings, but why would two teenage girls be loitering outside in the cold? I kicked them out of the school at four. I don’t necessarily have a problem with students skimming the hallways as they wait for performances. Except, there was NOTHING happening today. So, no need for anyone roaming around where I’m needing to clean. I hate being the hall monitor, but when I see kids messing around while there is a literal mess on the ground, I become annoyed. I quote, “unless you’re here for an activity there’s no reason to be in the hallways.”
I’ve become THAT guy!
Anyway, since there was nothing happening tonight I finished up a little after nine. I was checking the doors and I found two girls that I literally saw leave the building at four o’clock hanging outside in almost freezing temperatures. I asked what they were doing here so late. Apparently, their parents couldn’t pick them up until nine thirty. Again, that’s super suspicious. I can’t allow them in the building, but what an odd thing to happen. It’s only MONDAY!
Day Ninety-Seven: 2/7/2023
There’s something I’m trying to understand, just confused by the fact that teenage girls like to scatter scraps of toilet paper all over the floor. Like why? I’m expecting to see teenage boy’s bathrooms to be a bit gross. Toilets not flushed or clogged, and urine everywhere. Not saying that the girl’s bathroom is disgusting. I’m just confused by it. I keep telling myself that they are in a rush to stuff their bras. I’m in charge of the seventh and eighth grade bathrooms, so this is my theory. These young things are aching to mature so they are forcing a falsehood, and they are so scattered that they literally scatter bits and pieces of toilet paper all over the floor. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
Also, who is eating in the bathroom? Gross! Specifically, in the seventh grade bathroom, I continue to find food stuffed in the sanitary napkin receptacle. Sandwiches, chips, and I think there was a muffin once. The first time I found food, I could only think of Mean Girls. Is there a new girl from Africa with no friends because she signed a burnbook and started vicious rumors about the most hated girl in school? I sure hope not.
One final complaint..
Our heaters have been blasting above and beyond what is needed. Some rooms are so ridiculously steamy that I had a flashback to the summer. When it was over one hundred degrees without any air conditioning. Apparently there’s a work order, who knows when that will get fixed.
Day Ninety-Eight: 2/9/2023
I had to take a sick day yesterday. As I left the school I rolled over a patch of ice and down I went. I slammed so hard against the road and concrete that the headphones flew out of my ears. All of my belongings that were in the back of my bike also went flying. My laptop, my bag, and my food containers were scattered as if a bomb went off. I could barely walk yesterday, but after a very restful day of self care I was able to return to work. With only a slight limp on my left hand side.
It’s all just not good enough. Our efforts just aren’t good enough. At least that’s what our QA has reported. Are their expectations too high? Or are we not putting enough effort to clean the school?
The facility manager is not upset with us, he’s understanding since we are so short staffed, but still. Upper management has scored us a 65% for the building. Really?!?! I know I could probably work harder, but I felt I was meeting expectations. Just recently the facility manager told us that our work was sufficient. Well, not good enough for the QA. UGH!
Day Ninety-Nine: 2/10/2023
Thank you Friday! Thank you for being the end of the week. Also, thank you to all the ones that complimented me today. I didn’t spend that much time on my look, but I wanted to do a simple style. I wasn’t feeling utterly stylish today.
I'd like to take a moment to appreciate my dependable steed, Gladys. The Firestone bicycle from 1966. In my first week in Denver I found her on Craigslist for only $100. I replaced her seat and tires within the fist few days of having her in my possession. She's extremely reliable. She gets me to work everyday, well when it's not snowing or icy. She's helped me get all over the city, literally. We've crashed a few times, but at the end of the day I can always rely on her. Even when I have to readjust her wheels and alignment. Thank you Gladys for keeping me on the move!