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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

It was a good week!

Day On Hundred & Thirty-one: 4/5/2023

I don’t know if I can say that I’m glad to be back at work. I’ve had five days off and it was so necessary. One, last week was awful. I’m not cut out for the early morning shifts. I’m not pleasant and my sleep pattern did not appreciate the five am alarm. I also needed the trip. It was a reset and showed me what I’m working towards. I refuse to live a provincial life and that much more determined to move beyond the confines of personal limitations.

I’m working to be the best that I can possibly be. That has to mean something in this world, right? Well, I finished another short story today. I also started two more short stories. One about a muse and the other is Winds of Change. What is that? I thought you’d never ask. Winds of Change are a set of winds that can be summoned to do the biddings of gods, or with a very powerful summoning spell. They don’t have anything to do with the storms that giants ride, but are equal in strength.

Well, it hasn’t been too bad of a day after a wonderful vacation. There is something that I suppose I wasn’t prepared for. The smell of things. Our job as custodians is to remove all that is vile and causes a stench. Wasn’t prepared at all, if I could’ve put some concoction under my nostrils I would have. Trash, bathrooms, and food where there shouldn’t be food consistently bring forth foul odors that would only tarnish the spaces…if it wasn’t for us. I was told by multiple coworkers that they missed seeing me. They were even slightly worried when they didn’t see me picking up their trash. I’m not sure I want to be remembered as the one taking out the trash, but I do like the idea of being memorable.


Day One Hundred & Thirty-two: 4/6/2023

Thursdays are always my favorite day. The week is already half over and tomorrow is guaranteed to be Friday. This is the most ideal week. Only having to work three days. That’s the best kind of week. I’m feeling very grateful that the worst part of my job is teenagers being disgusted.

I had a few very candid conversations with some coworkers. What they have had to deal with and what possible calamities they have to fear are enough for me to feel secure in my current position. I may vent and complain about the grossness that comes with being a custodian, but it doesn’t compare to the stress that they have to deal with day in and day out.

Today has also been great because when I stay on schedule I have so much downtime. It’s essential for me to work on my short stories and this blog specifically. So, when the work is complete I find time to type on my little black laptop.

I really liked my look today too. I received some excellent compliments on the face makeup and I always look good in a floral shirt. It’s my aesthetic. Finishing up the night typing away before I have to jump on Gladys for the ride home.

Day One Hundred & Thirty-three: 4/7/2023

I really do love these three day work weeks. I only wish I could work such minimal hours each week. I know, I know! I shouldn’t complain about my current circumstances, but I’m still striving to work fulltime on my writing rather than having to go into a job. I want my job to be my writing and thinking. Well, it has been very enjoyable to only put in half a week’s of hours. Monday and Tuesday was vacation time.

I think that’s why I’ve enjoyed it. Well, I haven’t hated coming in. I’ve also really enjoyed my looks this week. They didn’t take particularly long and they’ve all been expressive. I don’t really do subtle. I want my face to be the canvas that tells the story of the day.

One of these days I’ll write a book about The Teal Fairy going back to school. These looks will be the guiding force to create a graphic novel. I’d like to be able to draw it myself, but I’d also have to figure out how to draw better. For now, I work on the blog, the looks, and the ideas. I’m also going to interview some teachers at some point. I want a direct connection to the struggles of students today. I should probably interview students, but we shall see what happens with time.

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