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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Letting my hair down.

Day Three Hundred & Twenty-two: 2/12/2024

I’m trying something new today. An attempt to increase my engagement on my social media. I’m trying to make a weekly challenge for my fairy looks. This week. I’m going to try to style my hair down each day. I washed it before work and I’m curious how it will look by the time the week concludes. Usually by Friday it is a total mess.

The other thing I’m going to try is to increase my comments on my Instagram account. The pics that I include in the blog are taken directly from this source. On this day I couldn’t decide which picture I liked best, so I’m leaving it up to my followers. These pics were taken throughout my shift and I’m going to leave it up to others to choose which is the best picture. (Only one person commented!)

On another note, my area wasn’t too bad today. I’m grateful to state that the majority of mess that I had to deal with was dirt and dead grass. It took me a while to sweep it up and vacuum it up to a pristine level. I’m going to hope that this continues as the week progresses. I only have to make it through Thursday. This Friday we won’t have students in the building.

Day Three Hundred & Twenty-three: 2/13/2024

I can honestly say that I despise working with menstrual supplies. I hate having to stock them and cleaning up used ones. These young ladies don’t handle this matter with respect. I’m willing to keep the dispenser stocked, but not if they are going to break them. Then, throw tampons all over the floor. What a disgrace! This was done in the same facility that has scratches and markings all up and down the stalls. I’m just utterly displeased. I will shame them online, but is that morally responsible? I’m not sure, perhaps I’ll have to deal with any and all repercussions if they come.

In the meantime, doesn’t my hair look fantastic! I’ll be continuing my journey of wearing my hair down all week. No ornate updos and no ponytails. Thus, today I placed two snap clips to keep the sides of my hair out of my face. I may not be putting my hair up, but I won’t tolerate having tendrils attempting to get into my mouth. I felt pretty today.

I recreated my eye makeup to match a look I did a year ago. I really like how the cylindrical shape accentuates my eyes. I didn’t match the color, but I matched the shape almost identically. I generally try to make my appearance different from week to week. From day to day, I want to appear completely different. A shapeshifting fairy! Otherwise I would be just some boring bag of bones. I prefer to look and feel as elegant as possible as I pass through the halls.

Day Three Hundred & Twenty-four: 2/14/2024

I’m pleasantly surprised that I can announce that our team was given a genuine compliment. I’m still annoyed with the excessive quality evaluations from the district, but my facility manager is happy with our performance. Nomatter what score we received. He’s at least content with our effort. I didn’t know that I needed to hear this, but it has absolutely validated me.

It was necessary to receive it today because the building was a bit of a mess. Anytime there is a holiday that involves candy, the classrooms are always a disaster. There are always wrappers and debris scattered around the carpeted areas. It took me a while to get it all vacuumed up. Though I was frustrated yet again with the lack of respect from the sugar hyped up youth. I felt admonished by my boss’s words.

Along with the congratulations and confirmations for our efforts it was acknowledged that my boss only cares that we complete our tasks. As long as we do our job he doesn’t have an issue if we take long lunches or complete our work early. The extra time that we have is our time. This helps me because I use my extra time for writing. My feelings of guilt have been wiped away. I’m tired by the end of the day, but I feel appreciative for the words from my supervisor.

Day Three Hundred & Twenty-five: 2/15/2024

I think my hair looked better today than it has all week. This is day four and I’m pleasantly surprised on how well the curls behaved. Generally, my hair starts to really look clunky after the third day. These little things are what bring me joy when I’m feeling frustrated with my circumstances. If I can feel pretty, then I can deal with anything that comes my way.

In regards to the space it was sufficient. Middle ground. It definitely could’ve been worse since today was the end of the week for students. I’m so excited that we will have the entire building free of the youth. Not like they have been terrors this week, but I like my job when they aren’t here. I think that says something, but it is sort of a vacation without having to take vacation time.

I should stop lumping all of them in the same basket, but I can’t help myself. I know that some of these kids are obsessed with me. They love my lore and mythos. I know this because other teachers tell me. In fact, the creative writing teacher told me this evening how much they adore my aesthetic. The word, ‘slay’ has been used when referring to The Teal Fairy. This is exactly what I want. I want my enigma to transpire amongst the student body. So, when I do become the famous writer that I’m meant to be. They will say they knew me when. How cool is that?!

Day Three Hundred & Twenty-six: 2/16/2024

There are no students today! I’m excited to have a work day without children. Just a little reprieve since the winter break. Though, I’ll probably have to do some extra work but my efforts will not be disturbed until Tuesday when classes commence. Thus, this is a great way to start a three day weekend. Yes, I get to have Monday off. Thank you President’s Day. I haven’t been impressed with most of the presidents in my lifetime, but I’ll take a federal holiday when it’s presented to me. I love getting paid without having to work.

Though, I definitely put in the work today. I wouldn’t say that I broke my back to fulfill the duties that were put onto me, but I put in a significant effort to have my area as clean as possible. It helped that my boss had a long conversation about the evaluations with our team. Explaining how it is actually biased and his gratitude for the work that we do. He’s extremely appreciative that we show up, do our job, and we get along. It was a moral boost for sure.

It helped my confidence as we had a quick tutorial on how he wants us to clean the bathrooms. I thought I was doing a decent job, but he’s asking that we try just a little bit harder. I’m willing to concede to these demands. If that’s all I need to do to ensure that I’ll be left alone. Then fine! However, if anyone says anything about my area after today I’ll demand to have receipts. Because I took the time to scrub and dust every aspect of my run. I deep cleaned the bathrooms, scrubbed my classrooms, and maliciously worked to make my space as presentable as possible. There shouldn’t be anyone in the building until Tuesday. So, when the hoards of students and staff arrive I expect them to acknowledge my hard work, or at least not destroy what I accomplished.

I don't usually post about my time after I've clocked out, but I wasn't sure I was going to make it home okay. It had started to snow and there was a layer of ice below that. My new bike is nice, but still that's a dangerous ride. Also, I just hate biking in the snow. So, when I made it home I had to capture the moment. Even my eyelashes were frozen!

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