Day Three Hundred & Thirty-one: 2/26/2024
I really wanted to call out today. I was having a very downtrodden morning and I really could’ve used a personal day. Except, we are too short staffed. I would’ve felt awful if I called out because another coworker called out. He works at the elementary school that my facility manager is in charge of. It’s not a huge building, but we don’t have the staff to cover him. Thus, it would’ve been absolutely catastrophic if I left my team high and dry. Even with a coworker doing overtime and the facility manager working until 9pm. Thus, I sucked it up and made it work.
I’m not quite sure what will be my theme this week. I decided to brush out the curls. I wanted to see how big I could make my hair, though, it has to be put up while I do the work. I really despise having hair falling in front of my eyes. All of the bending up and down makes for a nuisance when the locks are free to do what they wish.
I’m hoping that the week progresses swiftly. I believe that we will still be short staffed all week, so we have extra work to perform. I technically have the time, but I’m not willing to perform all of these duties because I don’t want to admit that we can do the work of the school with the staff that we have. It’s an act of protest to ensure that we bring back the employees.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-two: 2/27/2024
It’s going to be such a long week. It’s only Tuesday and I’m already over it. We are just too short staffed. When someone calls out that means the team in attendance has to do so much. There are reasons that I’m over this job. The fact that we’ve had issues with employment the ENTIRE time I’ve been here is the number one reason I’m ready to quit. I just can’t quit yet.
I was so frustrated with things that I totally skipped the vacuuming of a few rooms. Most don’t need to be vacuumed everyday, but there is one room. The one owing to the Language Arts teacher for 8th graders. Her space is always disgusting. Well, today I started to vacuum and when I saw all of the trash scattered around, I turned off the machine and walked out. I’ll deal with that tomorrow if I have the energy. I probably just need to go get a dustpan and broom, but who has time for that. I’m jotting down these thoughts quickly, because I have to deal with some other work before the night comes to a close.
I didn’t have the energy to do anything particularly flashy. I wanted a simple eye and a simple hairdo. Since it had snowed I just wanted to get to work safely. Fortunately, the roads were very clear and I was able to wear a helmet without fuss. I’m not sure what looks I’ll present for the remainder of the week, but I hope I’ll feel glamorous.
I did see something today that was beautiful. The snow had stopped by early afternoon, but there were clouds still hanging around that were full of flurries. The temperature was still below freezing even when the sun came out. Around 4 o’clock I started to do my trash duties when I had to stop and admire the sun shining through the snow. It was almost ethereal as the sparse flakes of fluffy snow drifted in the wind while the Colorado sun shined brightly. It was beautiful.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-three: 2/28/2024
333 is a magical number, but it doesn’t feel like it’s been a magical day. Same ordinary day with limited staff. Though, I was able to get through a lot of my work early. I worked through my breaks so I would have more time at the end of the night. I’m currently working on Part Three of my Magick Caste Archive series. I’m on the last chapter and my goal is to have the first draft complete before the end of March. Having the extra time to work on my writings is more important to me than anything else.
In regards to my look, I decided to refresh the curls. I don’t usually rewash the hair mid-week. I generally try to go a full week before I shampoo. It’s great for creative updos but sometimes it feels great to have bouncy perfect curls. So I gave my locks the refresh they so utterly desired. I wonder if anyone noticed?

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-four: 2/29/2024
Happy Leap Day! The special day that only comes every four years. I wonder if there is some sort of magical intervention that I can perform to help my next four years flourish. Some sort of blessing that will ensure that things will be divine until 2028. Well, there is but it’s not possible to perform these rituals while at work.
I had a cute moment today. The theater tech instructor needed some assistance so I hurried over with my set of keys. A student hadn’t heard of me apparently. Thus, the teacher introduced The Teal Fairy to them. I don’t think I blew their mind, but I’m curious if they will remember me as time goes by in their young life.
I wonder if I’ll make an impact on those that attend this school? I wonder if they even care that a fairy roams their halls and cleans their toilets. I mean, I don’t do this job for them. I do it for the paycheck, but I still want to be a beacon of fun and fancy. Even when I’m not having much fun.

Day Three Hundred & Thirty-five: 3/1/2024
Sometimes being honest does pay off. I went and partied too hard last night and I was completely worn out today. I told my superiors what I got myself up to. They were more appreciative that I made it in, even in my state. I didn’t look like I was up until 4am, but I definitely felt it. Well, my boss was kind enough to ask me if I wanted to leave early. I jumped at the chance. I told him that I would complete all of my tasks and I was allowed to leave an hour early tonight. I was home and showered by 10pm.
I deserved it really. I worked very hard all week and I’m constantly frustrated with how these students treat this special place. Again, I find shit in the bathrooms. Cans of soda in the urinal. Menstrual pads stuck to the stalls. The best was that some jerk decided to rub yellow, blue, and teal paint in the 6th grade boys bathroom. Heathens!
I don’t have much else to say. I’m only hoping that we will get some additional staff soon. I don’t like the extra work and I believe too much falls upon us that are showing up daily. Curious if it will happen soon. We shall see.