Day One Hundred & Twenty-three: 3/20/2023
The work itself wasn’t too bad today. Perhaps the angsty energy has been burnt out because I wasn’t cursing the existence of teenagers today. I was cursing the fact that I’m in my mid to late thirties. I thought I was over last week’s pitiful sleep schedule. I tried my best to get to bed at a decent time. I was in bed by 9:30 for goodness sakes! Yet, I tossed and turned all evening. I woke up a few times as well. For some reason I slept in such an awful way.
My neck and upper back were in severe pain. I’m incredibly stiff. I should have taken some sort of pain reliever, but thought it wasn’t that bad. I’m planning to soak in a very warm bath filled with epsom salt, when I got off work. Something has to soothe these muscles. I’m not going to allow this body to fall apart on me…at least I’m going to do whatever I can.
Day One Hundred & Twenty-four: 3/21/2023
My whole sleep schedule has been disrupted so miserably. I still can’t figure out how to properly get a restful night. I slept fine over the weekend, but again I’m struggling. I’m also still sore from yesterday. It makes me feel super old, well, much older than my current years.
At least there is reprieve. Today and tomorrow there won’t be any high schoolers and the rest of the school is testing. There are still students, but they are more manageably contained. I actually didn’t have to vacuum any of the rooms. What a treat for my tired bones. I finished early and I’m working on my short stories.
I’m working on a story about Orks and how they decided to leave the dark side of magic. Even though they’ve been a part of the dark side for centuries. They are the opposite of elves, except they have one common trait. They love to work and they will follow great leaders. Well, after the events of the mortal war in 1945, they asked to be relieved of any of their connection to the dark side. They want to switch to the light because even those that thrive in the dark, can find the dark just far too dark.
The other story is about a fairy named Julianna. She’s a proud and highly educated fey creature. She has the rarest ability to recount her past lives. You see fairies are the evolved form of pixies. Before being a pixie, she was also a sprite. The trifecta of the fey folklore. So many don’t know where or how they are made. Well, this will be the story of how Julianna came to be from sprite to pixie, to fairy.
These characters are the reason I lose sleep very often. Actually, the story about the ork (need to figure out their name) popped into my head last Thursday night. I thought I was going to get a restful snooze, when this character literally presented themselves in my mind. They stepped forward and insisted that the best time to discuss their story was at that moment.
I’m very lucky to have a job that allows me to work on my writings. I’m also so fortunate to receive a paycheck that doesn’t infringe on my endeavors even when exhausted.
Day One Hundred & Twenty-Five: 3/22/2023
There was another school shooting in the area. A student brought a weapon into the Denver East high school. Only a few miles from DSA. I’m not quite sure what the details are, or how it actually affects the school that I work in. It makes me believe that we need more fairies and not firearms in this world.
Fairies don’t cause serious harm, we might be somewhat mischievous, but we don’t shoot others with bullets. I’m not sure what this world really needs to break the confines of the right to own firearms. I do know that we don’t need more guns. I’m utterly disgusted with those that believe that we can solve the issue with weapons is to have equal or deadlier weapons than the supposed criminals. That doesn’t solve anything, it just adds to the gun problem.
It makes me disgusted that we continue to have this problem all across this stupidly ignorant country. I’ve managed to go this entire life without a gun and I’ve done pretty well. The only reason I’d like to have a weapon of death is for hunting purposes. I don’t hunt now, but I could see that being a necessity in the future. There’s no reason there should EVER be a gun in any school. I believe this with my whole heart. We don’t need more firearms, we need more fairies.
This fairy in particular has enjoyed today. It has been an absolutely easy day. I know that will end tonight, but I can still be appreciative of a lazy evening. I spent my extra time working on my short stories and this blog specifically. I don’t require days like this all the time. I know that I need to keep the area tidy, but it would be nice if there was a little bit more control by these heathens. Just try to not make a mess. If that was only possible.
Day One Hundred & Twenty-six: 3/23/23
Well, that was a surprise for sure. Today will be the last day of the work week. We are given a mental health day tomorrow. At least the schools in the Denver district. It’s like a snow day, but it didn’t actually snow. After the school shootings I think it’s necessary. The parents, students, teachers, administrators, and staff need to be able to process the reckless and savage behavior brought on by the lack of gun control.
Tomorrow was going to be a short day anyhow, so they just canceled it all together. Again, I’m not mad at it. I’m still getting paid. I just don’t have to show up to work until Monday. I’m planning to have a productive day, maybe I’ll clean my apartment. I let the cleaning in my space go since I spend forty hours a week cleaning an institution.
Granted, I don’t think I worked that hard this evening. We were short staffed. My crew lead had to go to the elementary school since that custodian had to call out. Since there were only two of us working we were given leniency to the night’s tasks. All I had to do was sweep, vacuum, and take out the trash. Fortunately, the space was already pretty tidy and required very little effort.
Here’s to a long weekend!