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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Post Covid Frustrations

Day Twenty-Six: 10/03/2022

One can only wish for a boring, regular day. One of my coworkers had to call out today. Poor thing is still sick from last week. I feel for her, because I really didn’t want to work today. I still felt a level of exhaustion that lingered from my overhaul from the week prior. I had a fabulous weekend and I’m reminded each week how much I yearn to be a full time writer. How I wish that I could be sitting in front of my computer, or sketching ideas onto one of my many empty drawing books.

I’m reminded how much I don’t appreciate dealing with other people’s trash. How much I actually despise cleaning someone else’s mess. Today, I needed to clear the trash bins on the back of the building. There isn’t that much trash, but there always seems to be so much liquid. Either, it is from the remnants of people’s drinks or catchings from the rain. It’s disgusting no matter what. I hate how the melding of trash and liquids create a slush of filth. It was also distasteful when I had to clean up actual trays of food from the grounds. I’m not a servant for these people. I’ve done that and those types of jobs pay so much better.

All I want is to perform my designated tasks, and that’s it. However, I’ve had to perform additional duties for others. I don’t need to be humbled, but I want to know how much longer I must continue these tasks until I’m a full time writer. A real novelist, poet, or even screenwriter one day.

Day Twenty-Seven: 10/04/2022

What an absolute surprise! I was notified that I had tested positive for Covid last week. Which means I worked the entire week while suffering from Covid-19. I’m still doubting that the test was correct. Seriously!? I never had some of the most significant symptoms that most people suffered from. I never even had a fever. I felt like absolute crud all last week, but I hadn’t thought there was a significant chance that I would’ve had Covid.

However, my doctor advised that it was true, and since the onset of symptoms occurred last Monday, I was out of the quarantine window. I’m only upset because I feel guilty that I might have exposed others to the virus because I was trying to be helpful to my coworkers. I can’t believe that I was the jerk that literally walked around the school unmasked for five days. I really do hope no one was able to catch what was flowing through my system. It was extremely cavalier and reckless on my part. Well, I’m feeling fine. Maybe not at the full one-hundred percent, but there hasn’t been any lingering issues from last week.

I do believe that I most likely exposed my coworker, she tested positive for Covid and was going to be out most of the week. The rest of my evening was quite uneventful. I had to perform additional duties, but for me, that only included additional sweeping. Not the worst.

Day Twenty-Eight: 10/05/2022

I wanted to leave by four o’clock today. Perhaps, I’m spoiled. Could be that I feel superior to the work that I’m required to perform. Except, what am I to do when the toilet is full of human excrement that I want to walk out and never come back. Shit happens I know, but sometimes I can’t handle the grossest part of my job. I’ll be off work for a few extra days, spending time with family will hopefully reset my attitude.

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