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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Severely lacking progeniture is highly valued.

Day Twenty-Nine: 10/10/2022

Going back to work after a reasonably long weekend is always a challenge. Except, work was somewhat uneventful. Even though there was an orchestra concert, there wasn’t too much ruckus occurring throughout the halls and corridors. Perhaps the orchestra youth are more behaved than the choir, band, or theater fledglings.

I was pleasantly surprised that one particular room was found to be much more manageable. For the first month of school this room has been the bane of my work existence. Always a mess, always trashed far beyond an art room of kindergarteners. Well, last Wednesday I made a very obvious objection to the unnecessary mess. I found it very rude and absolutely disrespectful for no reason. The teacher made an actionable response to the issue and found out that a group of girls were making snowflakes every day! Childish behavior.

How crazy. I knew there was some reason for the mess. I couldn’t understand why there were so many little bits of white paper spread over most of the carpet. I’m required to vacuum each room. It is necessary to clean up dirt and grime that’s been tracked into the space. It isn’t kind to me to clean up a needless refuge. It just isn’t.

I was appreciative of the easier day. I had to deal with a personal matter before work and I was a bit drained from the experience. Which didn’t leave me the time to style my hair. I still wore my teal attire like most days, but I didn’t feel like I was The Teal Fairy. I felt like Craig, which makes the whole experience much more tedious.

I prefer to be The Teal Fairy while I’m at work. I want to pretend that a two hundred year old magical creature is the one actually cleaning the school. The character that is providing a safe space for the artist’s journey. The Teal Fairy uses their powers to perform many of their jobs, only when there aren’t any staff or students rummaging around like a mischievous gaze of racoons. Working undercover. Keeping the Nons naive to the realities of the magical creature monitoring the halls.

Day Thirty: 10/11/2022

It was parent-teacher tonight. A slew of adults had the opportunity to discuss their pride and joys with the instructors that guide them day by day. Today and tomorrow there will be conferences between parents and teachers until eight o’clock. Having all of the people around greatly affects my job requirements. Though, I made it work with minimal issues.

Well, all of my duties had to be halted while things were still going on. There were people in the hallways, classrooms, and of course bathrooms. So, for a few hours I worked on other projects, had lunch, and piddled around a bit. Of course I wouldn’t exploit my time without fulfilling all of the requirements for my position. I finished it all, but I took some time to look over some of my short stories. I’m currently working on a couple of stories. One is the true story and actions of Giants. Also, the full history and understanding of Griffins, or Gryphons, but I call them Griffs. Both magical species are discussed greatly in culture, art, and mythos. How could they exist nowadays in a society that has an uninhibited lack of secrecy? I think that sentence works, at least I like how it sounds out loud. It’s a fun way to make note that with everyone from the age of ten to eighty plus have use of a camera to record unexplained events. Could anything really happen in broad daylight that couldn’t be exposed by the general public? How does one keep anything secret? How do spies continue to be spies?

I have a lot of unanswered questions.

Day Thirty-One: 10/12/2022

My job is solely reliant on students being in the building. However, I’m not upset that we didn’t have any within the campus today. Thanks to PSAT testing, there were only a few still at the school. Parent-teacher conferences were still being commenced through the evening.

I took the opportunity with no students to focus more on dusting and cleaning areas that I usually don’t have time for. There was so much dust, dead moths, and small trash that accumulated under the stairs in my area that I had to take breaks. Had to make sure there weren’t any oddities in my updo.

This little enclave doesn’t always get cleaned. Not because I don’t want to, but for the last few months we’ve been short staffed. When I have to execute additional responsibilities I don’t have time to fulfill any additional work. It’s such a useless space. Tiled area that doesn’t have any use except a hideout from proper supervision. I could totally see my younger self getting into inappropriate mischief behind the obscurity of the stairwell in the back hallway.

Talking about inappropriateness. I caught three sets of feet in the women’s bathroom stall. I don’t know how it was, or their gender identity. However, it sounded like a boy and three girls. I listened in for only a moment, to understand the overall situation. It seemed like a PG-13 movie scenario was going on, so I spoke up. “I don’t think there’s a reason all of you should be in one stall,” I said. The person with the male sounding voice responded, “I’m only changing.” I didn’t reply. I didn’t see it was my responsibility, even if illicit behavior was occuring, but I thought it was inappropriate.

There was also some inappropriate and interesting gossip. Apparently, there’s a student that has quite a reputation. Not for anything that she’s done specifically, but because her adoptive parents have sued the school five times…allegedly. From what I was told, this young girl has white savior parents and they’ve forced many educators to resign. She was placed in the library by herself so she could have extra time to complete the PSAT test. I’m only repeating the information that I was told. I don’t care that much about the gossip that floats through the building. It’s like dust collecting in corners. Necessary to be dispersed from time to time. I was literally doing that in the library where this test was being completed. I made some noises. Due to the importance of this peculiar predicament, I was pleaded to cease any further disruption. I was given a rundown once the coast was fully cleared.

Day Thirty-Two: 10/13/2022

Another day without kids, well, there were a few roaming around. Because of testing and lack of students in the building the usual was definitely not happening. I’m not mad about it since I completed a lot of extra cleaning yesterday. Today, I just needed to make sure there wasn’t any trash. Along with a few other duties, the day was practically done.

I spent the rest of my time working on a short story about giants. I haven’t figured out their voice yet, but I’ve spent some time researching where, why, and how The Teal Fairy would talk to a giant. Generally, once I have the specifics sorted out I start to hear the voice of the character. I feel them inside me. Then, I let their voice transfer to the page. Sometimes, their voice has already been lingering and other times, I have to pull it out. Like how you would lure a scared feral kitten into safety. Slowly and deliberately tempting a skittish character into reality. One of my biggest struggles right now is determining if it’s a she or him. Not a they, I know that for sure, but wasn’t sure if this giant is male or female.

Day Thirty-Three: 10/14/2022

What an absolutely delightful day! There has been no one in the building ALL day. Completely shut down. Like, no one is allowed to enter the building. Haha! I was specifically told to not let anyone in. I literally had to ignore some parent/child combo outside the main doors when I first got here. Nope, no one means no one and I just kept walking. It felt bad for about a moment, because they looked so relieved to see someone, but unfortunately, without security we can’t let anyone into the building that is not affiliated with Denver Public School.

Well, it was very lowkey evening here. I even went back to my place to grab a jacket for the ride home later. The temperatures have drastically decreased night after night. It is feeling more and more like fall. The leaves across the emerald manicured lawn have started to brighten. Chamomile colored leaves are illuminated by the listless sun as it sets sooner and sooner each night. It was another extraordinary quiet evening to complete tasks that don’t usually get to be performed. Cleaning and polishing a space does make me smile. Ha! It’s the only reason I can even tolerate the workdays.

I’ll record this as an idea, but what if this school could be like a sequel to the Secret of Nimh. Something were the mice, rats, rabbits, fox, neighborhood dogs, are all major threats for a society that lives in the walls of the fine arts school. Some mice are actually naughty children from different parts of the world, transformed by witches. They still deserve an education. All things with a brain deserve an education. Knowledge is the greatest treasure ever searched for.

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