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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Short week for me, longer for others.

Day Twelve: 9/12/2022

Today was easy. Well, work was easy, but the motivation to show up to work was the challenge. I’m very grateful for the cooler temperatures and the functioning air conditioner. Work was much easier today.

I only have one thing that I feel should be discussed. Lollipop sticks. Pick them up, throw them away. Just throw them away! I understand that my job is to clean and pick up the messes in the school. Totally not saying that I feel indignant about my job requirements. I’m just asking for these privileged youths to discard the items that were LITERALLY inside their mouths. EW!

These are the same students that have experienced a full blown pandemic. How disgusting, right?! I don’t get it. How many times I’m having to pick up items that have been swished around in their mouths. In my mind, I’m imagining that their thoughts are just too vivid and too expressive that their mouths stop working. Their lips can no longer shut, thus, the gum and lollipop sticks drop from their mouths like ripe fruit in an orchard.

Don’t make another human pick up items that were just in your mouth. It IS DISGUSTING. I don’t care who you are, or what you do. You have the right to breathe, you don’t have the right to be a disgusting person.

Day Thirteen: 9/13/2022

Ironically, my thirteenth day of the school year is on the thirteenth day of September. I’m hoping it will be a wonderful precursor to the fall season. Other than awards season, fall is my favorite. The weather cools down and the colors are more soothing than anything else I experience each year. Today, I walked into the building and it was perfectly chilled. I appreciate any day that I go to work and don’t become completely drenched in my own sweat.

The events of the day were quite unremarkable. I prefer it that way. When my job is completely routine and uneventful I’m able to transform my brain into my writings. My fantasies are able to take over. I continue to work on short stories for contests. I require as much time as I can to monopolize for creative thinking.

The only significant moment of mention is that I sat down in a little puddle. While taking a minor break, I sat down on a light tan chair in the hallway. It doesn’t belong in any room. It lingers in the music hallway. Well, I didn’t notice that the plastic seat of the chair was practically full of what I still hope was water. It was odorless and colorless. So, as I say I’m in hopes that it was water. I still had to finish the rest of my shift with a wet ass. Yep, I had a wet spot on my butt from my pants to my underwear. Comfy!

Day Fourteen: 9/14/2022

Highlight of my day was taking a moment to step outside. There was a short spurt of rain that drenched the area. The skies were darkened for a brief moment. The air was crisp and fresh from the rainfall. Except, the sunset hadn’t occurred. As the nebula moved over the area, the sun broke through. It created a beautiful double rainbow to the south and a single rainbow to the north. I walked the parameter of the building to fully inhale the magnificent awry of colors from all directions. The mountains to the west and rainclouds bookended by rainbows to the east. It made for a wonderful evening.

I’m still perplexed by how these twelve to fourteen year olds don’t know how to use their mouths and trash receptacles. I know it’s a struggle to be a teenager. There is so much pressure and agony while going through puberty. Along with the impossible expectations that are laid upon youth through the obscure media. I can relate. I remember those years of my life so vividly.

I’m literally cleaning up after children with highly active hormones richechaying through their bodies like bullets. However, when I was their age I was dealing with my father dying from cancer and coming out gay. In a small conservative town in west Texas.

I lack sympathy, because I believe that teachers could be a little more active to ensure that these children are cleaning up after themselves. It’s not hard. Right? Maybe I’m asking too much. Messes happen, but come on!

Day Fifteen: 9/15/2022

It’s Parent Teacher Day! Also, I’m going home sick, I swear I have a slight fever and will be out until Monday! Cough, cough, cough. I was barely able to get any of my work done before I had to call it a day. I hope the parents enjoyed seeing the space that their children spend the majority of their time in. The place where they get to explore their creativeness. There was a hoard of people and I could barely get through the hallway without running into them.

Well, bye for now!

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