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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Teal on teal on teal.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty-eight: 4/15/2024

I really don’t have much to say today. I partied hard over the weekend and I was a bit spent from the festivities. However, I made it to work and I’ll be rocking my teal on teal on teal attire. Not sure if there will be a theme this week. I do know that I didn’t want to wash my hair today. Sounds gross, but when I only shampoo my hair weekly, I’m picky when I want to do my hair and I didn’t have the energy to go through the motions. I chose to sleep late.

I might have been tired, but I still managed to do my job. We will have testing for the PSATs tomorrow and Wednesday so I wanted to ensure that my area was spic and span. I couldn’t be lazy today, but I might get to be a little lazy tomorrow. I love testing because it guarantees that what was cleaned the day before stays clean until we go back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty-nine: 4/16/2024

Another easy peasy day has drifted by. I haven’t done much, well I’ve at least shown up to the job. I Did some cleaning, but I’m not breaking my back, that's for sure! We have events all week, but thanks to the PSAT testing I don’t have to worry about my classrooms and hallways getting trashed by the students. Because they aren’t here. The testing concluded before noon, so there were hardly any staff members too. I’m savoring these days because the rest of the school year is definitely going to be a struggle. It always is. This is my third spring semester so I’d say I’m an expert at the angst that comes from teenagers at the end of the school year.

I did have a moment today and I’m quite shocked that I didn’t turn a literal shade of green. The high school dancers were rehearsing for their upcoming spring performance later this week. I stopped and watched for just a moment. In that moment I felt so many feelings. So many emotions of jealousy rushed through my being. I gave up my dream of being a dancer when I was nineteen, but there are still glimpses when all I wish is being back on a stage and performing for the anticipated applause from the audience. Except, I’m the custodian cleaning up after the mess of others. I may be teal on the outside, but sometimes I’m violently green on the inside.

Day Three Hundred & Sixty: 4/17/2024

So I thought my day was going to be easy breezy, but I had to do some landscaping work. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT! Hate it, hate it, hate it! I don’t have to do that much work outside, but everytime I’m put into a shitty mood. Worse than when I find crazy messes in the bathroom. I’m not an outdoor worker, I don’t take pride in landscaping work. I know it doesn’t require a lot of intelligence or skills, but I believe that I exceed the limitations that it takes to be a landscaper.

At least after I finished my work outside I didn’t have to work that hard inside. We didn’t have middle school students while the juniors were taking their PSATs. There was hardly any trash, barely any reason to sweep, I didn’t have to vacuum, and the bathrooms were still in good condition from yesterday.

I had some wonderful downtime. It was meditative. Quiet and I allowed for my brain to rest for a while. I have my evenings planned out and I have time in between tasks. Usually I’m working on my writings, but lately I’m taking a break from my creative endeavors. Instead, I allow my brain to drift wherever it wants to drift. Sounds lazy, but it brings me joy. Since not a lot brings me joy from my profession.

Day Three Hundred & Sixty-one: 4/18/2024

No Post was written, too busy to type before the shift ended and I don’t feel the need to express the frustrations from immature and disrespectful youths.

Day Three Hundred & Sixty-two: 4/19/2024

Oh, what a lovely lazy day! Because I made sure everything was so clean yesterday I’ve barely had to do anything today. Yesterday was a struggle, but today makes up for that. I will be scrambling at the end of the night as we have events. The bathrooms won’t clean themselves and I don’t have a spell to scrub them either. So, as the patrons begin to make their exit I’ll rush to clean the space as best as I can.

Though, I’m not in a huge rush to head home. I didn’t realize that it was going to snow like it has been. I assumed it was only going to rain. If I had only checked the weather I would’ve known to wear a more appropriate coat. I despise biking in the snow. It’s the worst.

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