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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

The Teal Fairy Returned!

Day Three Hundred & Forty-nine: 4/2/2024

I’m back after a ten day vacation. It was really hard to come back. The moment that my feet touched ground on Colorado soul, I was missing my time in Texas. I’m originally from Texas and part of my soul lives at my family’s farm in Montague. It’s a small town northwest of Fort Worth. The forty-three square foot house is surrounded by a small forestry area. I spent the best years of my childhood here. There is a sense of nostalgia that leaves me content on the inside. I wish I could have that level of contentment more frequently.

Though, I’m not entirely content. I'm not feeling indigent tonight. The space was deep cleaned last week and the hoodlums didn’t destroy the space on their first day back. We also didn’t have any events today that impede on my duties. I’m thoroughly grateful for how the day has gone. I was feeling so many emotions on my way to work and I wasn’t sure what I would deal with once I clocked in.

I didn’t have the energy to do a full glam look, but I still had to bring style to a job that I find beneath me. The meniality weakens my soul, but until I find something else that this fairy can do. I will continue to scrub and sweep away the debris that haunts me. However, I will continue to add the shadow and lashes as I see fit.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty: 4/3/2024

Here I am shaming students again on Instagram. Yeah, I saw this little doodle and I took it upon myself to express my annoyance on social media. I quote, “drawing on stalls means your art is literal shit!” I have no qualms about bullying those that defile the space that they are privileged to inhabit. Yeah, it’s not perfect but it’s better than Levelland, TX! Better than the high school that I attended. Yet, I didn’t go around drawing on shit like some sort of child. I did have my locker and belonging defiled by those that bullied me. So, is it bad that I’m bullying others?

Anyway, that was the worst part of my day. I may not want to be cleaning toilets, except the space has been maintained better than it’s appeared all year. Of course it isn’t perfect, because if it was would they really need us to clean for eight hours a night? I’m not asking for additional work, I’m happily content that my workload has subsided a bit. We acquired a new associate this week, so I don’t have extra tasks on my docket. We are still technically short staffed, so let’s not get too carried away with any enthusiasm.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty-one: 4/4/2024

Today is my two year anniversary. Though, it feels as if I’ve been doing this job for much longer. Much, much, much longer. Though I’ve only been in this position for 24 months! Crazy how time flies or doesn’t fly. However, you prefer to perceive the momentum of time in your current situation. For me, I can’t believe that I’ve only been doing this job for such a short amount of time.

Though in this time I’ve had ten different coworkers. I’ve broken a pair of doors, a sink, a few cleaning tools, and parts of a power washer. These accidents haven’t defined me, but I’m keeping an tally of what has been damaged by my hands. These last two years have tested me and it has manifested in the damage of school property.

It hasn’t all been the worse, but there are moments that make me want to break everything around me. I had to talk to a teacher about her students making a mess with paint. Again! I had just started to do the trash and I discovered that the sink was splattered with craft paint. I’ve spent hours hand scrubbing and scraping off paint in the past. I don’t ever want to see these handwashing sinks with paint. Getting to be creative in a non-creative class is a privilege. If they aren’t going to clean up after themselves then I’ll have to take action against them. I don’t want to be the bad guy, but if I’m tested I’ll turn into the vilan.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty-two: 4/5/2024

I guess I’m going to need stitches, cause I snitched. I try to discuss messes with teachers directly. I don’t like how administration comes down hard on the faculty. However, circumstances have arisen where I’ve had to include others in the situation. Today, was no exception. Except, it wasn’t with a teacher I usually have issues with.

Well, the science teacher allowed for his students to partake in a creative project. Which included papier-mâché. We had issues with them last year making a mess with this project. So, I was a bit surprised that they left such a filthy mess all over the countertop. It was was if they allowed five year olds to create planets with scraps of paper and paste. However, this was teenagers. Students that should know how to clean up after themselves. If you don’t have time for the students to clean up, then you shouldn’t have the project.

I’m concluding the week tired, but grateful that I still have a job. I was going to attend a job interview this morning but it didn’t feel like a good fit, so I skipped out. I may not like being a custodian, but it would take some serious cash and incentives to leave this job.

I’ve been working as a custodian for two years and in that time I’ve read countless books. Absorbed hundreds of podcast episodes, and wrote two books. I completed a collection of short stories and I finished Part Three of my Magick Caste Archive series. I wouldn’t have accomplished this if I was working some other odd job that brings me no satisfaction. I’m conflicted about my future, but I’m still determined to make my writing my career.

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