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Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

This fairy doesn't grant wishes.

Day Two Hundred & Forty-seven: 10/2/2023

I had to do a little extra work today. We had two people call out, thus, the staff that does show up has to shoulder some of the literal weight. I was given the task to handle double the amount of trash duty today. When I tell you, it was foul. It literally made me want to gag at one point. This isn’t the highlight of the story. So please, stay tuned. The point is that I was doing trash where I don’t usually have to because of the absentee coworkers. Also, I should note that I’m not mad about that. I think about calling out regularly, I just don’t.

Anyway, while I was doing the trash of the dance studio. One of the last spaces to clear since they had late afternoon rehearsal. I had just opened the large door to the studio when the instructor started yelling. “GET OUT! GO HOME! GET OUT! LEAVE NOW!” He wasn’t saying this to me, it was directed to the young girls that weren’t budging from the girls’ locker room. Finally they began to exit, after more yelling and frustration was hurled at their inability to move with more speed than pouring molasses. They didn’t seem hurt by the sternness taken by the dance instructor. They seemed more embarrassed.

It made me chuckle. Because even though I see them doing things they probably shouldn’t be doing. I’m not the one to force rules or restrictions upon them. That is someone else’s job, but I do appreciate it when anyone takes a firm hand in the situation. They need to learn that their actions have consequences and sometimes that consequence is being yelled at for lack of consideration. This particular teacher was ready to go home. They were holding him up. So, I say yell. Get it. Make them see the errors of their ways!

The rest of the day was quite uneventful. Although, I was very sweaty today. It wasn’t pleasant. Thank goodness for setting spray! There isn’t much else to report. I made it through another Monday with no major incident. I’m in charge and will be closing the building. Hopefully I do it correctly, or someone will have the opportunity to break in. Fingers crossed!

Day Two Hundred & Forty-eight: 10/3/2023

It is parent/teacher conference this week. Tonight and tomorrow will have an influx of parents to discuss their underlings along with the instructors. The teachers unfortunately have to stay until at least 8:15pm. That's a twelve hour day for most of them. At least the administration provides some sort of sustenance since they can’t leave after school is dismissed.

It mostly means that the custodial staff aren’t able to complete all of our tasks. I was able to perform a few duties. Necessities really, but with people walking around and in classrooms we aren’t expected to go above and beyond. Oh well, I suppose I’ll just get to enjoy the extra hours of downtime. What a shame!

In other news, I found a shoe. A perfect shoe! Well, if it had its companion. I’m not experiencing some sort of Cinderella story, but seriously, this shoe is perfect. Rarely do I randomly come across a shoe that meets all my requirements for a foot covering. Teal, waterproof, and is my size. Except, where’s the other shoe? I’ll keep an eye out, but I have a feeling the other might be lost. Also, I looked them up, they are worth about $200. So the incentive to find them is great.

Day Two Hundred & Forty-nine: 10/4/2023

I wanted to feel fancy today. One should feel fancy when they wear a collared button down shirt, a tie, and a bow in their hair. FANCY! The weather has officially cooled down and I’ve been wanting to wear some of my long sleeve shirts for ages. Except, I can barely handle the work clothes when the weather is in the low 80s. So, the fact that the high was in the 60s I jumped at the opportunity to wear a shirt and tie. Along with my overalls of course.

I’ve also received many compliments on my facial attributions. These colorful enhancements contribute to the overall look. I really enjoy combining the hues of teal and purple. Thanks to a new purple and pink palette I purchased not that long ago. I try a slightly different look each day. It’s all part of the aesthetic. It allows me to keep my appearances fresh. Little nuances alter the look from day to day. Small changes like purple eyebrows revamp the image of The Teal Fairy. I want to feel glamorous when I'm performing duties that are DEFINITELY NOT glamorous.

I think the kids actually enjoy what I do. I’m not entirely sure since I haven’t taken a lunchtime poll on whether they think The Teal Fairy is a cool guy or not. I hear things from the teachers that give me assurance that my efforts are not lost in the noise that is modern adolescence.

Day Two Hundred & Fifty: 10/5/2023

I barely made it to work on time today. I got caught up glamorizing myself. Between the eyes and the hair I didn’t have time to attach eyelashes. I feel like something is missing, but I don’t think that is a viable reason to be late to work. Though, I sort of wish I could’ve been late. I didn’t want to come in, but here I am!

I’m officially annoyed, not because I can’t handle critique, but because I’m asked to give more attention to my duties above the minimum effort. I know, I sound like some sort of spoiled adult. Someone that can’t handle their current situation because they’ve been overly pampered and indulged. That’s not me, I just hate it when I have to perform any duty above the minimum. Call me lazy, but I didn’t take this job to be a rock star. I took this job to skirt right under the level of standard so that I could have time doing my own thing. When you take that away from me I become indigent. Angry as if I was one of these pubescents roaming the halls. That drives me crazy.

Talk about driving me crazy. Seeing feminine products thrown on the floor and graffiti on the walls/stalls is setting me over the edge. STOP taking your frustrations out on the infrastructure! Use your art to express yourself.

Day Two Hundred & Fifty-one: 10/6/2023

Someone asked me today to grant them a wish. If only I had such abilities, but I don’t think a wish granting fairy would be working as a custodian. I’m also curious what lore they were referencing. The only wish granting fairy I’m familiar with is the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio. Next time I see this child, I’ll have to ask them why they thought I granted wishes like some sort of genie.

On another note, I’ve finished this week! Yay! Hooray! Let’s celebrate that I’m still showing up to a menial job that has been super frustrating. Slowly, I’ve become more and more annoyed with how these kids treat this very cool space. If they only knew the struggles some of us had to experience in small towns. If they’re unhappy with their predicaments then they should leave. They should stop! Stop making my job harder!

I’m saying this because there has been some sort of disgusting incident each day. Today, it was the lower level that made me clench my teeth. I have to check the basement and I found underwear, trash, and food spewed over the floor. Lately, it’s made me question their actual intelligence. I shouldn’t be placing all of them in the same category, as I’ve been told that there are some incredible kids here. Except, I don’t see that. I see the chaos that they leave behind because they’ve decided to act like literal shit bags!

Okay, okay, okay I know I’m being a bit negative right now. It’s been a long week, for the staff, for the teachers, and even the kids. At least next week there will be a few days without the students. It will be a much needed reprieve for us. Until next week. I just wish it will better than this one.

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