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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Thoroughly Tealful

I’m currently working as a custodian for The Denver School of the Arts. I’ve been chronicling my experiences through social media and this blog post. I put a lot of my own complaints and frustrations down, primarily to accurately portray my true experiences. No filter. There are good days of course. One day, this could be sort of a memoir.

I refer to myself as The Teal Fairy because this is a character that I’ve created. I hope to one day write about The Teal Fairy going back to school to protect those that have the potential to grow and flourish. Schools need more fairies over firearms to ensure the safety of the youth. I also use The Teal Fairy persona as my way of expressing myself creatively outside of the written word.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Day Three Hundred & Seventy-five: 5/13/2024

There are few perks outside of my top three; weekends free, downtime, and proximity. However, when there is free food I’m reminded that there is something else good about this job. I get extra food from the lunch ladies, but when there are banquets or catered lunches I’m also able to capitalize on the necessary calories that ensure that I don’t have to grocery shop for another day or even a week. I’m grateful for the leftovers. TRUST!

I’m also grateful that we had the full staff tonight. Everyone was in attendance and I was able to focus on just my area. It needed it too. Since we couldn’t or didn’t have time to vacuum on Friday my carpeted areas were slightly distraught from the lack of suction that comes daily. Well, I did it along with the slew of tasks that are necessary to keep my hallway in good standing.

I’m not trying to make it pristine because I wouldn’t have any downtime if that was my goal. I’m only trying to make sure that I’m hitting the bare minimum. It’s my only objective. To maintain what was done over the summer. When we spend months deep cleaning every single room. After doing that, I don’t have the energy to provide such standards. Not when these overly privileged children leave the space in such a state.

On another note, this fairy is definitely on edge. I snapped at a few girls today. One because it looked like they were vaping in the hallway. I was like, WHAT?! However, it was perfume that she spritzed in the air. It looked and smelled just like a flavored vape. I also yelled at a group of girls that were in a practice room. I probably didn’t need to do that, but they ignored me so I sort of lost it. I suppose I’m either ready for school to be done or in desperate need to have a different job. Something has to change.

Day Three Hundred & Seventy-six: 5/14/2024

Well, I don’t feel bad about screeching at a few of the students yesterday. I was telling some teachers about it and they approved of my behavior. Apparently, they’ve been struggling to get their students to pay attention and stay engaged as the semester comes to close. That’s probably why I’ve been having issues with these kids behaving as if they rule the school. Their brazen behavior is exhausting this time of year. Also, there are so many events. So many congregations that have left me utterly spent.

It doesn’t help when I’m constantly having to act like a hall monitor to those that believe this school is their personal playground. I don’t know what is about the band kids, but we really need to have some sort of chaperone when they are waiting to perform. I turn the corner and they are behaving so badly. I sternly address their behavior by stating, “this is not a playground, if you are preparing to perform then prepare.” This especially was noted to those playing with a football.

Well, the kids dispersed and as I was about to start vacuuming I noticed from the corner of my eye that those with a football were still playing with it down the hallway. As if what I had to say didn’t really matter at all. The one thing that makes me lose a gasket is being ignored. I shall not be IGNORED! I hope my yelling down the hallway shook them, even for a minute. Don’t fuck with a fairy!

At least I’ll be peddling home with a bag full of food. These banquets may leave quite the mess, but they usually leave leftovers for the crew that have to clean up afterwards. We barely had the time to finish before clocking out this evening. I’m also going home with pamphlets from the creative writing seniors. They work all year to prepare small magazines that feature their unique works. I look forward to reading them, and I’m looking forward to getting into the shower and washing off the day. At least I looked glamorous!

Day Three Hundred & Seventy-seven: 5/14/2024

Some may love this weather. Seventy degrees and sunny is the ideal for some. For me, I despise it. For spring I was hoping to have much more cloudy days. I wanted to see days and days of rain. Yet, here we are bright and clear of clouds. How absolutely dreadful. The weather in Denver is my constant reminder that I’m not in the right place.

I say this because as I’m working I’m always wondering what it’s like outside. When I peer through the window and it’s another sunny day I yearn for a storm to blow through. However, tonight my prayers are answered but it'll rain on my way home. I suppose that is fine. I’ll be prewashed by the time I get home. Then, I’ll finish the process by showering away the day.

Was it the best day? Not so much. Was it the worst day? Not even close.

Though, I was quite disgusted with the markings on the bathroom stall. It wasn’t carved in, but some words were written that I had to scrub off. N*GGERS F*GS and Free R. Kelly had to be removed by my hands. Why would someone write such trash? Why would you make a fairy have to see such disgrace?

Day Three Hundred & Seventy-eight: 5/15/2024

Wow oh wow! I’m really curious if I’m going to make it through today. This fairy might have partied too hard last night and I’m feeling every hour lost. We have events and my boss is going to be at a different school so I’m in charge. Wow! I’m going to do my best, however, I’m not sure the level of quality I’ll be able to provide.

However, I did it! I made it through. I’m bloody exhausted and all I want to do is get home and shower. My body has been trying to re-regulate itself from all of the substances I put into it last night. So this fairy has been a sweaty mess since I arrived. Generally, the setting spray helps to maintain my makeup throughout the evening. Even when I’ve worked hard as hell.

Today is the exception. I had to pull my lashes off. Their initial application wasn’t properly placed. Thus I lost part of my luster. As the day progressed the pretty shades of teal began to fade from my face as well. Not as quickly as I applied them, but after time, the glitter greatly dissipated as if each droplet of sweat was slowly wiping away the hues. By the time that I get home to wash my face, there won’t be much to wash off.

I’d like to say that I won’t put myself in such a predicament in the future. However, I know myself and when an opportunity of fun presents itself I have a hard time saying no. Maybe I’ll try to remember today’s events so that I’ll definitely abstain slightly. Or at least attempt to get more than three hours of sleep. Until another day, this fairy is fatigued.

Day Three Hundred & Seventy-nine: 5/17/2024

Well, I made it to another Friday without losing my job. I feel like that is always an accomplishment within itself. Some might disagree, but I’m not asking for their opinion. I’m still standing, well at this moment that these words are being typed I’m actually sitting. Still contemplating my plight of employment, but I know that I’ll be receiving a paycheck next week and I’ll be able to cover my rent and expenses for another month.

I say all this because there have been some situations that have tempted me to quit outright. Except I don’t have the funds to do such a thing. Acting out with a spontaneous moment wouldn’t be prudent. I’m trying to grow as a person and not be as reactive as some of these immature delinquents that test my patience.

Anyway, the week is over and I felt like a accomplished my tasks effectively and I’ll be returning next week as long as I don’t succumb to some dreadful disease. Fingers crossed. Though I do have enough sick days to take about three weeks off all paid. I’m not saying that I would like to use all of those hours, but at least I have them just in case. I don’t know, I’m just keeping my options open. As one should do.

For now, I’m ending my week feeling as fabulous as I can be. I’m looking forward to my weekend and I like anytime away from this space. Mostly because the weather has warmed up and I don’t find it very fulfilling to be sweating while cleaning. By the end of my week I don’t even want to look at my overalls nor my work shoes. I prefer to be as stylish as possible away from the institution.

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