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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Working sick or sick of working?

Day Twenty-One: 9/26/2022

Tonight was a blur, I’d come down with some seasonal sickness. It left me very groggy and sore. I initially thought it was because I had horrible sleep the night before. As my shift progressed I realized it was something else. My body became fevered. My joints were bothering me in the most excruciating way. Each time I completed one of my tasks, I had to take a five to fifteen minute break to recompose myself. I was an absolute wreck. I’m surprised I made it through the night without passing out.

Day Twenty-Two: 9/27/2022

I wish I could have called out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. I didn’t have a fever and we are too short staffed. I continue to have stomach issues, a headache, and faint body pains. I really hope it isn’t influenza. I’m quite certain that what is occurring in my body is a bug, a faint cold, hopefully. I’m able to taste and smell. Though, I can’t wait to get home. Enjoy a cup of tea and take a very long hot shower. Last week, I was struggling with my oversleeping, and this week I’m struggling with an annoying amoebic affliction. I performed my duties. I tried to meet the standards put upon me, but all I want is to crawl up in my bed with a book. Damn this mortal body!

Day Twenty-Three: 9/28/2022

No fever today, but still feeling extremely cruddy. It didn’t help that I basically had an anxiety attack last night, so I stayed up until 2 AM working on a short story that will most likely not get selected. It doesn’t matter, I’m a member of this literary magazine and even if I’m not selected I still pay a monthly subscription. I’m quite proud of this story and I’d like to share it, but I can’t publish my short stories while they are being reviewed in all of these contests.

Here I am, sniffling and struggling to keep a clear head at work. My body isn’t in pain like it has been for the last two days. I roll my eyes at the ridiculous things I have to deal with, but it’s all in the love of the arts. These talented children are energetic and striving to pursue their passions. I’m very envious of their prospects as their journeys are still so new.

Though, I’m quite appreciative that a few friendly and outspoken youths have approached me. They’ve been enjoying my social media posts and how I present myself everyday at the school. One cute little thing called me, “ICONIC!” She didn’t necessarily exclaim this word, but I hold it in high esteem. When you have the opportunity to be admired by the younger generation, embrace it and enjoy it, I say!

I’m surprised I was able to complete the rest of my shift without passing out. This whole week of feeling unwell has been absolutely miserable. Each time, I’d complete a task I needed to break for a period of time. It was my own fault by forgetting to bring my pain medication.

Day Twenty-Four: 9/29/2022

I’m not sure anyone enjoys feeling sickly. Unless they suffer from Munchausen Syndrome, but they aren’t actually sick. I’m feeling somewhat better, but I’m ready to be back to my full strength. Back to my full capacity of emotional stability. The unwell feelings have greatly affected my sleep and it’s greatly altered my perceptions of stress.

The rest of the night was more frustrating than I could’ve imagined. Again, because I’ve been working sick all week my level of patience was out the window. I’ve never been so annoyed with HOW MANY students leave their personal belongings in random places. Do you not know that we lock up the building? Is this your first day in school? Seriously?! We keep being told that we aren’t supposed to open rooms because what if a student takes something that isn’t theirs. Well, we literally had to be begged to open multiple doors/spaces for these irresponsible students. I don’t want be the jerk, but I also don’t want to stop what I’m doing, especially when I’m having a rather stressful and busy night to unlock a stupid door because these nimrods left their bag in a room. Come on!

There were two large events this evening. A choir and theater performance simultaneously. Now, I’m kind of jealous of these talented ones. I wish I could be back on stage having my loved ones watch me perform. However, I’m here literally cleaning up the piss and blood off the floor this evening. Please don’t mind my disgruntled face and attitude. It has nothing to do with you. It’s in regards to my lack of status in this community, at this moment.

I finished the evening exhausted and sore. Thankful that tomorrow is Friday.

Day Twenty-Five: 9/30/2022

I MADE IT! I can’t believe I did it, this week was so hard to get through. Between the lack of sleep, the illness, and I’ve had some recent vaccines injected. I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to stand by the end. This evening, it was just my crew lead and myself. One coworker has been out all week on vacation and the other coworker had to call out sick. High five to me for making it through. The ONE blessing of today is that there was no one here. I guess I missed the memo that we wouldn’t have a normal school day. Cool, whatever, fine by me, I’m happy about it!

My motivation to expressly get through all of my duties was seriously lacking, but I did complete my tasks. It was quiet, oh so quiet. The end of the month is here and I pray that the spookiest month of the year is more fabulous than this one.

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