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  • Writer's pictureCraig R. Patrick

Writing is my new journey

Ya know, I never thought of myself as a blogger or a writer. My skill set was always math, science, and social interaction. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that I have less and less shits to give. So, here is my blog. It may be fascinating at times, but it might just be me writing down some nonsensical information for the day. Whichever happens, I’m glad you're here.

I’ve spent the last four years writing notes, outlines, short stories, drafts, and manuscripts. It’s an entirely intimate and explorative examination of one’s own psyche. I hope to find my audience. I never saw myself as a writer. I dreamed of being a dancer. Yeah, this cubbish man used to dream of being a professional ballet dancer or dance instructor. I danced and I danced until I couldn’t dance anymore. Some of us just don’t have the right bodies to dance professionally. It doesn’t matter how many people tell you, not all dreams can come true.

The fun thing about dreams is that they can be changed. When one dream dies, I find another dream to chase. I’ve had a lot of falls and I might keep failing. All I can do is provide some insight and guidance through the journey that I’m on. It has been interesting and terrifying simultaneously. I guess that’s what makes the unknown still exciting.

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